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Handmade VS Machine Made Moroccan Rugs (8 Important Differences)

Handmade VS Machine Made Moroccan Rugs (8 Important Differences)

If you’re shopping for a Moroccan rug for your home it’s so important that you know how to identify the differences between handmade and machine-made rugs so that you always know what it is that you’re buying. Handmade woven Moroccan rugs are usually more expensive than machine-made Moroccan rugs because of the skill with which they’re crafted and the high quality and durability of the rug. this brief guide will help to know whether a Moroccan rug has been handmade or machine-made.

Check the backside of the rug:

One of the best ways to tell if your Moroccan rug is handmade rather than machine-made is by checking the back or underside of the rug. If the knots and weaving are not perfectly uniform, then you will know it’s a handmade rug.

If you compare the back of a handmade Moroccan rug with the back of a machine-made rug there are some obvious differences. The edges on a handmade Moroccan rug may not be perfectly straight and when you look at the back you may be able to make out some white knots. The back of a machine-made rug usually has white lines running all over the back of the rug from one end to the other, these are the foundation yarns and they don’t appear on handmade rugs.

handmade moroccan rug and machine made rug difference

Look at the Fringes of the Rug

Take a look at the fringe on your Moroccan rug.  Has it been sewn on separately or is it part of the rug? The fringe on a Moroccan rug is generally made from the warp threads of handmade rugs but on a machine made it is usually sewn onto the rug at the end of the making to make it appear that is handmade.


What material is it made from?

Handmade Moroccan rugs are usually made using wool and other natural materials.  If your rug has been made using manmade, synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon then it has probably been made using a machine.

Where was it made?

A lot of Moroccan rugs that have been produced in Western Europe like Belgium and Italy are produced using a machine.  Genuine handmade Moroccan rugs are usually produced in MOROCCO.

Does it have a tag on the back?

If your Moroccan rug has a tag attached to the back of it then it has probably been made using a machine.  Handmade Moroccan rugs very rarely feature a tag of any kind.

Rug Durability

Machine-made Moroccan rugs are not crafted to last and will vary in how long they will look good.  It all depends on the quality of the fibers used.  No matter how long they last, there is no value in collecting machine-made rugs.