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How to remove dust and other allergens from a Moroccan rug ?

Take the rug outside the house & hang it

take your rug outside and hang it and hit it with something like a broom handle from example to remove the dust.

Take your rug outside, find some way to hang it up and then beat it! 

It is a surprisingly effective method to clean rugs and a good workout to boot!
Be sure you are far from your brand clean living room while doing it because dust will fly out everywhere .

If you have some kind of allergies, it’s preferable to wear protection (maybe wear old clothes and dust mask).

Flip the rug to the other side

Flip the rug to the other side and do the same thing. keep on it as long as you can. the duration depends on how much dust it contains. 

We recommend you to do this in a regular basis.

Some vacumming is preferable

Now take your rug inside the house. Now it’s time to vacuum your rug!

Preferably using a vacuum that has no beater bar, but if so just raise it to the highest setting to cause the least friction possible to the rug’s wool.

Vacuum from side to side, and don’t forget to flip it over every once in a while and vacuum the back as well.